Patient Stories
Bone Fracture
Significant Healing of Collarbone Injury in 9 Days
Dr. Joseph Sevlie, DC, MN 03/28/2022
A patient, age 15, injured their collarbone while snowboarding. The x-ray showed a fracture of the left collarbone. Dr. Joseph Sevlie started the patient with a regimen of 5 medium sized Wei Musculoskeletal Institute (WMI) herbal patches for bones and treatment with a FX 405 Laser.
After just 9 days another x-ray showed significant improvement to the collarbone. The patients Nurse Practitioner was astonished & both the patient and Dr. Sevlie are thrilled with the progress that has been made in just a little over a week from the initial injury.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Frozen Shoulder
Successful Improvement of Frozen Shoulder
Chen-Ying Huang, DAOM, EAMP, WA. 11/8/2019
A male patient has been seeing Dr. Huang since 8/29/2019 for his shoulder pain due to overuse. He had this shoulder pain for 10 years and the pain affected his daily activities such as lifting and moving. He had surgery on his left shoulder on 4/24/2019 which improved his condition until it was reinjured in August 2019. The muscles were tight and sore when he did any lifting or moving. He had moderate degrees of limitation and range of motion (ROM).
Dr. Huang used local acupuncture treatment around the injured area and provided him with the Wei Musculoskeletal Institute (WMI) herbal patches for tendons. After acupuncture twice a week for 4 weeks and the use of 10 herbal patches, his shoulder pain improved by 90% with normal ROM. He was able to lift and move without pain.
Dr. Huang recommended specific stretching exercises to continue his healing process and to prevent future re-injury.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis
Hip Pain
Successful Elimination of Severe Hip Pain and Stomach problems
Ronald Mullen, AP, Stuart, Florida 2012
John is a 55 year old very active male. His hobbies are surfing, dancing and he dearly loves the outdoor Florida lifestyle. He came to me complaining of bilateral hip pain, which started about five years previous. He has tried a lot of different therapies without very much success and was very concerned he would have to give up dancing because of restricted mobility and pain. He was very much interested in the prevention of hip replacement in future years.
He also reported having low energy, felt stiff all over and had a history of acid reflux, stomach ulcers and periodic stomach pain. Upon examination it was discovered that he had severe bilateral hip tightness with noticeable limitation of mobility and his hips felt cold to the touch with hardening of the hips and surrounding muscle tissue.
He was given herbal treatments consisting of GI solutions, Musculoskeletal solutions and microcirculation enhancing solutions. At his follow up consultation two weeks later, he reported an immediate increase in energy upon starting the therapy. The first week into the treatment his hips felt a little more painful, especially at night. By the second week the hip pain had subsided and he felt that he was moving better. He was told to continue his treatment protocol and return two weeks later. At week three his Tango instructor commented on his improved flexibility.*
John has continued to improve and at his recent visit reports that the pain in his hips is gone and he can now do a 180 degree contra-body twist in his dance class. He also had much more energy and his digestive symptoms have all been resolved. He sleeps better now than he has for many years.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Hip Arthritis
Successful Treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis
Nancy Stern, DC, Albuquerque, NM 87114 United States, 2009
A female patient, age 64, was diagnosed with right hip osteoarthritis in 2009. She had a restricted range of motion and suffered from pain upon walking.
Dr. Stern prescribed a combined treatment program composed of herbal treatment solution, non-forced chiropractic care as well as dietary and homeopathic remedies (three sessions).
As a result, the pain had been eliminated completely. She was in far better condition and showed an improved range of motion as well as greater ease of walking. The results sustained for two years before some maintenance became necessary.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Hip Replacement Surgery Prevented
Ronald Mullen, AP, Stuart, Florida 2012
Ron is a 57 year old male reports pain starting in the left hip about five years ago. The pain came on gradually with periodic sharp sensations experienced mostly at night while in bed. The pain has gotten worse over the years and is now severe. A scan revealed advanced osteoarthritis of the left hip joint. He is interested in prevention of hip replacement.
Examination revealed stiffness, tightness of the hip joint, and hardening of the surrounding hip muscles. The hip joint also felt colder to the touch than the other hip joint indicating restriction of circulation through the affected tissue.
Wei Musculoskeletal Institute Herbal treatment was started with reported easing of pain within the first week. By the second week there was much improvement in energy and the hip pain felt sharper and more intense. Starting with week three, the hip pain began to resolve and continued to get better each week until the pain was completely gone. There is now much more flexibility in both hip joints and the patient is extremely happy to get rid of the pain and avoid hip replacement surgery in the future.*
Conclusion: The patient progressed from severe left hip osteoarthritis, hip pain and hip tightness to full resolution of symptoms. He has also experienced more circulation through both hips thus preventing possible pathology in the other hip and prevention of hip replacement as the arthritis progressed.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Natural Relief of Neck Pain from OA and Stenosis
Michael and Laura Willis DC, Simi Valley, CA, March 2018
A 58-year-old female presents with severe neck pain (rated at a 9 or 10 on certain occasions), that radiates down her arms and causes severe cramping in the hands. Upon various diagnostic imaging with X-rays and MRIs, she was diagnosed with bursitis in her left shoulder, osteoarthritis in her cervical spine, with nerve impingement at C4 due to stenosis. Her practitioners wanted her to get steroid injections to help with pain management, but she was opposed.
The patient sought natural help from Dr. Michael and Laura Willis about this at the end of January 2018. To help with her pain naturally she started drinking tart cherry juice to help soften the excess calcium deposits in her spine. She also takes Turmeric daily for pain management.
On February 1st, 2018, the patient started Wei Musculoskeletal Institute natural herbal treatment. She started the protocol which last a full month. At the same time she was going to massage therapy and acupuncture appointments weekly. After two full weeks with Wei Musculoskeletal Institute treatment, massage therapy, acupuncture, and the use of tart cherry juice and Turmeric, the patient reported her pain level decreased from a 9-10 all the way down to a 2.*
The patient is very happy with her results, and continued the treatment for a full month to achieve complete pain relief.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Comprehensive Knee Osteoarthritis Program Results in 28 patients
John Filippini, DC, P.Dsc, Danville, California, May 2017
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder and a major cause of disability in the adult population. The pathophysiology of the disease is characterized by progressive loss of articular cartilage, cartilage calcification, osteophyte formation, subchondral bone remodeling, and mild to moderate inflammation of the synovial lining. Symptoms include joint pain, tenderness, stiffness, inflammation, and creaking of the joints. Conventional treatment is focused on pain reduction using NSAIDs, local injections of glucocorticoid or hyaluronan, and joint replacement surgery in severe cases such as bone-on-bone conditions.
Wei Musculoskeletal Institute osteoarthritis herbal treatment solutions help increase blood flow and lymphatic circulation and help enhance the chondrocyte’s ability to synthesize required collagen and proteoglycan to restore the damaged joint cartilage matrix, eliminate joint pain, and improve its functionality. They also help reduce joint inflammation and matrix metalloproteinase activity to reverse joint degeneration.* By converting the chondrocyte phenotype to its healthy state, The herbal treatment solutions help reverse the bone-on-bone conditions. For severe and bone-on-bone condition or patients over 50, solution is also included which helps improve systemic microcirculation in order to achieve sustained results.*
A combined target approach utilizes Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment solutions and Dr. Filippini, D.C.’s modalities such as Cold Laser, PEMF, BioCharger, ATM, Rebuilder, HakoMed, and Rife equipment. These modalities focus on improving circulation, promoting healing, and stimulation of stem cell growth. It was believed that a knee osteoarthritis program that utilized this approach would decrease treatment time and improve patient response rate (pain reduction, joint mobility, sustained results), thus improving total patient outcome.
Patient case results do align with the expected success rate of 90% stated for Wei Musculoskeletal Institute musculoskeletal treatments. It is important to note that cases showing no response have complicated factors such as ulcerative colitis in one patient and issues with multiple organ systems and infections such as parasites in the second patient. Both patients are undergoing more complex herbal protocols to address these underlying health issues and improve their response to the program. However, many patients who expressed that their pain level was at 0 also presented with other confounding conditions. In patients who saw less than a 50% pain improvement (using as 0-10 scale), there were more indications that patients were very active during their program as well as had some compliance issues.
The average age of patients who had less than a 50% improvement were 65 compared to 64.7 for those who saw a 50% or greater improvement. The average time for patients to see the improvement they described was about 14 visits for those seeing 50% or greater improvement as opposed to 13 visits for those seeing less than 50% improvement.
Table 1 Average pain level after 1 month utilizing Osteoarthritis program*
Pain Level | Percent of Patients (N=28) |
Pain level at “0” | 43% |
Less than 50% | 25% |
Greater than 50% | 25% |
Stayed the same | 7% |
Data on pain level of patients who have successfully completed 1 month of a comprehensive Knee Osteoarthritis program utilizing Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment solutions and additional modalities.
Patients who present with singular or bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis can expect a large degree of pain reduction in 13-14 visits through a knee program utilizing Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment solutions and additional modalities such as the BioCharger*. As seen in a large cohort prospective study 92% of patients saw some degree of pain reduction, with 43% stating they were pain-free. Patients who did not respond as well as expected were often either less compliant, more active in their daily activities, or had underlying complications of a larger scope. The two patients who saw no pain improvement were known to have multiple complications. Both of these patients are currently working on addressing these underlying issues through more complex, individualized programs to address their entire well-being. This targeted approach will allow them to better absorb minerals and nutrients, allowing for improvement in their overall joint health.
Many of the patients surveyed had previously tried other approaches including surgery and stem cell therapy. This finding represents significant hope for patients who are looking for alternatives in their approach to healthcare. Currently, patients who opt in for knee replacement are at risk of being in the 20% of patients who still experience knee pain post knee replacement. This combined herbal and modality program has shown to reduce pain in 92% of the patients who started it, with further data needed as they continue their programs. This is promising for patients comparing options as an 8% risk of pain is preferable to a 20% risk of having pain. It would be the goal to continue to track patient outcomes and see if there is a decrease in pain for patients who have not yet finished their entire program. Regardless of the length of the program, it is evident that this targeted herbal, nutritional, and modality approach has hit the nail on the head and yielded patient results that speak for themselves.* For the 2 patients whose pain stayed the same, Dr. Filippini, D.C. is applying further customized treatment using additional herbal formulas.
[1] Beswick AD, Wylde V, Gooberman-Hill R, et al
What proportion of patients report long-term pain after total hip or knee replacement for osteoarthritis? A systematic review of prospective studies in unselected patients. BMJ Open 2012;2: e000435. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000435
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of Severe Osteoarthritis
Ela Corcoran, Homeopathic Practitioner, Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 United States
A 66 year old male war veteran came in for treatment of severe knee osteoarthritis. The patient was considering knee surgery because his knee pain was interfering with one of his favorite pastimes: dancing. Dr. Corcoran recommended the herbal treatment for his severe osteoarthritis. After 3 months of treatment, the patient no longer experienced pain or inflammation in his knee, and he was able to dance again without surgery.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Osteoarthritis Treatment
Andrew Lowe, Homeopathy, Hitchin, Herts, United Kingdom
A man of 62 with osteoarthritis of the knees and toes who had tried numerous conventional and herbal medicines was still not free from pain. He complained of aching and stiffness in his knees and toes. After using Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment twice a day, the pain in his knees and toes were significantly reduced.* He continues to use the herbal treatment when necessary.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Osteoarthritis Reversed!
Felicia M. Dyess, Jacksonville , FL 32223 United States, 2011
A 62 year old female patient came to see me in early November 2011 complaining of inflammation and pain in her left hand. The patient had visual arthritic changes (swelling) in the knuckle of both her thumb and forefinger, her hand was stiff and hot to the touch, and the patient was unable to make a fully closed fist. Patient was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I treated patient with acupuncture for several weeks and recommended additional home therapy with herbal treatment and oral herbal solution to decrease inflammation and improve circulation.
The lady came in for her acupuncture session after 6 days of herbal therapy. The inflammation and swelling was gone and the patients skin was malleable and her hand was no longer hot to the touch. The female patient had applied the herbal treatment and taken the oral herbal solution. Patient was now pain free and able to make a closed fist. She was extremely happy with the quick results she had received and had not felt the need to come in for treatment till the time when the case was recorded.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Eliminating Pain from Wrist Osteoarthritis and Thumb Tenosynovitis
Khaled Alfaqih, D.C., Walnut Creek, California, December 2003
The problems I am dealing with are direct result of 32 years of working with my hands as a Chiropractor. This has resulted in advanced osteoarthritis of the right wrist and related tenosynovitis of the right thumb both quite painful and threatening to limit my ability to work. I had a total remission of pain in my wrist and a good increase in its range of motion as result of 1 treatment cycle with Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal solutions.* I will be using these products in my practice as well of course. Please accept my congratulations on the results of what must have been a difficult and concentrated effort to come up with such remarkable products.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Bone on Bone
Complete Relief of Bone-on-Bone Knee Arthritis
Marianne Beck, DC, Lighthouse Point, Florida 33064, August 2017
Standing on my feet all day for 37 years as a Chiropractor has taken a toll on my knees. In 1988 I had left knee surgery for a torn medial meniscus and a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. Needless to say, after surgery I had to give up tennis, skiing, and dancing. As a result of this surgery, today I have bone-on-bone arthritis in that knee which causes pain every now and then from over use. We recently moved our office in March 2017 and I found myself carrying heavy boxes of files and moving some heavy equipment as well. After the move, my knee swelled, was hot to the touch and I couldn’t bend it. It was difficult to walk and perform my work as the knee hurt 24/7. After 30 days of ice packs, rest, elevation, and various physical therapy modalities, I was no better. Then I decided to use Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment. I used a topical herbal product and a liquid herbal formula to increase the microcirculation in the tissues around the knee. Within 2 weeks I felt as if I had a new knee! No more pain, swelling or grinding noises and a complete range of motion again. I was able to walk normally and do my work. Getting in and out of my car was easy again.* I followed Wei Musculoskeletal Institute’s instruction and used the treatment for 30 days. All I can say is that was 5 months ago and my knee has been fine.* Because of this experience, I am recommending Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment to all of my patients who have, not only knee problems but any musculoskeletal problem. Thank you, Wei Musculoskeletal Institute for making such great solution for musculoskeletal conditions!
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Eliminating Knee Pain from Bone-on-Bone Osteoarthritis
Patients from Massachusetts, June 2008
In December of 2006, I had artherscopic knee surgery which was only mildly successful. Although it cleared up scar tissue, it was, obviously, unable to replace the cartilage which I have almost completely lost in my left knee due to bone-on-bone osteoarthritis condition. 6 months of painful physical therapy brought me no closer to mobility and I was finally referred for a knee replacement. I am only 56 years old and I refused.
At that point, I started using Wei Musculoskeletal Institute Herbal Formulas. Someone at work just randomly handed me a sample and after wearing it for several days I was sold—It worked that quickly! Afterwards I did the first 2 months of a 3 month prescription and since then have occasionally done touch up treatments. I whole heartedly believe in this product. I can’t say that I am 100% healed, but I am very active and only mildly uncomfortable compared to what I felt before.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful treatment of Osteoarthritis, Bulging Disc and Bone-on-Bone Arthritis
John Filippini, DC, P.Dsc, Danville, California, May 2017
An 80 year old female (retired teacher) presented with low back pain that radiated into her right hip, knee and leg. She presented the information regarding her low back with an MRI demonstrating Osteoarthritis and disc bulges. I put her on a three month treatment program of spinal decompression, Chiropractic adjustments (Arthrostim), along with Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatments.
Her back pain was gone within the first month *, but she continued to complain about her hip and knee. I questioned her further about any arthritis in either joint, and she remembered that they did do X-rays and found bone-on-bone arthritis in both. I therefore switched the placement of WHITEE patches to her hip and knee, and by the second month she was only experiencing occasional pain with the bad weather. By the end of the third month, she was completely out of pain, and only felt slight discomfort if it was going to rain.*
The patient reported:
“When I came in to see Dr. Filippini, I was in excruciating pain. I couldn’t straighten up. I had to walk in a walker, and I was in a bad way. After 3 months of treatment, I can walk pain free…and without any medications. My life has improved a great bunch…I’m going to start baby-sitting my great grand baby pretty quick.” *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Back Pain, Sciatica, Bulging/Herniated/Slipped Disc and DDD
Back Pain
Successful Treatment of Upper Back Pain – 2 Cases
Karen Willfahrt, ND, RN, BSN, Phoenix, AZ 85020 United States
Case 1
82 year old patient presented with an acute onset of pain just medial to the right scapula. Patient has a history of vertebral fractures in the thoracic region. She has undergone treatment to stabilize the fractures, but suffers with occasional back spasms and pain.
Patient has received a treatment of a 2 week session with herbal topical formula and herbal oral formula for this same problem in the past. The pain was improved by 70% after two days and was pain-free after 5 days.*
Patient is seen routinely, on a monthly or every other month basis, for maintenance treatments with acupressure, nutritional and herbal counseling.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Case 2
55-year old patient was seen with a one day history of severe pain at the level of T4. Patient had been sitting in the back seat of a car for a total of four hours the night before, as well as cold and rain during a football game.
On awakening, patient states she had severe stabbing pain and could barely move. Patient was seen in her home and received an acupressure treatment and herbal formula was applied to the affected area. The pain was improved by 80% almost immediately and was completely gone after the application of the herbal formula over a 5 day period.*
This patient receives monthly maintenance acupressure treatments, in addition to nutrition and herbal maintenance for underlying medical conditions.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Eliminating Low Back and Sciatic Pains
David Fiedler, D.C., Arlington Heights, Illinois, June 2004
The narrative of the practitioner:
“I just treated a 16 year old girl who had constant lower back and sciatic pain and numbness in the left leg. She had this pain for 3+ years and has had back surgery as well as injections and physical therapy to try and resolve this problem. All attempts to date have met with little success. She was still in constant pain and numbness. With the use of the first musculoskeletal treatment formula she said her pain was almost gone. Her mother applied the second one and she didn’t feel a significant reduction in the remaining pain. The third one, however, resolved the pain completely. I also gave her microcirculation support solution. After one treatment cycle, she no longer has any pain and is free of any leg symptoms. She and her family are truly excited and thankful, as am I. Along with the herbal treatments we adjusted her with an activator, did laser therapy on the scar and nerve roots to up-regulate the nerve flow to the weak muscles and used Wobenzym enzyme therapy. She was pain free within a week and a half. Not bad!” *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Bulging Disc
Successful Resolution of Bulging Discs
Alexandra Bouharevich DC, Aurora, ON, February 2018
A 52-year-old female presented with pain in her low back with a rating of 10/10. In April of 2017, she went in for an MRI and was diagnosed with bulging discs at L5-S1 and L2-L3. The patient tried decompression therapy, physical therapy, and chiropractic adjustments, all of which made her pain worse. She even tried taking anti-inflammatories and Percocet, which did nothing to manage her symptoms, just made her physically ill. It got to the point where she could not stand for longer than 60 seconds without needing to lie down, which ultimately lead to her taking a break from work.
She began researching ways to help her pain naturally, and came across Wei Musculoskeletal Institute. She talked to her practitioner, Dr. Bouharevich, about overseeing her treatment. Mid May, the patient started Wei Musculoskeletal Institute natural herbal treatment. The first week it helped immensely with her pain, the second week her pain got much worse due to the healing mechanism of the treatment, which is to regain sensation in the nerves that were previously not responding from the injury.
After one month, she noticed her pain had been managed quite well and was slowly getting better each day. After completing her 2nd month of the treatment, she noted having a complete resolution of her pain. She continued with one extra month for sustained results. She was very happy with the outcome and reported that she was able to go back to work, exercise regularly, and do her daily life activities.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Resolution of Bulging Disc
Earl Moore, DC, Crestview, FL 32536 United States, 2010
A female patient, 68 years of age, came for treatment in 2010. She had been diagnosed with a bulging disc in her lower back. She suffered from severe pain (8-9 out of 10) as well as a decreased range of motion. The MD had suggested surgery but the patient declined as much as she refused to be on drugs. Instead she was using a few supplements to support her health.
Dr. Moore applied a combined treatment program composed of chiropractic care, electric muscle stimulation, herbal treatment, massage and heat. The treatment program lasted for a total of one month. One session of preventative maintenance every other month had been applied afterwards.
The outcome had been truly positive. Upon finishing the treatment program the patient had become completely pain-free. The full range of motion was restored. The results had been sustained ever since. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successfully Reduces Disc Bulging![](
Charles Jewett, D.C., Portmouth, Ohio
52 year old male with 2 central bulging discs at L2-L3 and L5-S1 regions. The patient had severe pain and was unable to stand longer than 1 hour. After using Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal solutions, he was able to go to the mall and was able to withstand being upright a lot longer. After 1 month, he felt great improvement in his symptoms and experienced a significant reduction in pain. * After 3 months of treatment, the MRI shows that the discs are no longer impinging the nerve. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Herniated Disc
Successful Herniated Disc Treatment
Andrew Lowe, Homeopathy, Hitchin, Herts, United Kingdom
A woman of 45 came to me with a herniated disc. She had undergone two back operations and was anxious to avoid a third. She was in constant pain and her consultant had suggested surgery. We started her on Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment including topical applied formula and oral formula, and after four weeks she was able to reduce her reliance on painkillers.*
Six weeks into the treatment, she was able to stop using painkillers completely, and she also stopped using the topical formula. Speaking to her afterward she said she was now 98% pain-free and was able to get on without any further treatments. She felt so much better that she stopped using the oral formula after seven weeks.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Multiple Disc Herniations Treatment
Vladimir Turovskiy, Aventura, FL 33160 United States
57 year old male with disc herniations at three levels in thoracic spine. This patient suffered traumatic injury approximately 1 1/2 years ago. Patient initially came to this office three months ago with complaints of constant mid-back pain which he rated 4-5 on 1-10 scale with 10 being worst pain. He was suffering this level of pain despite narcotic pain medications. If he would miss his medication, pain would increase to 9-10. In addition to localized pain in thoracic spine he was suffering from pain radiating to his right arm and shoulder joint. He rated this pain 5-6.
Prior to his acupuncture evaluation he was treated with physical therapy including aqua therapy and various pain and anti-inflammatory medications.
While in my care, patient was treated with 30 minute acupuncture sessions twice weekly and with local herbal treatment.
After receiving 24 acupuncture treatments and four sessions of herbal treatments. He reported his back pain at 2-4 without pain medication with periods of no pain at all. His shoulder pain was at 0-2 level. *
He was able to tolerate a much higher intensity of physical therapy, as well as, increased daily activities. His sleep improved as did his digestive distress caused by medications. * He continued with his acupuncture treatment.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Resolution of Severe Disc Herniation
Noreen Long, DC, Black Mountain, NC 28711 United States, 2011
A male patient, age 45, came for treatment in February 2011. He had been diagnosed with severe disc protrusion (C3/C4) which caused dramatic pain (10 out of 10) radiating down from the neck to the arm below the elbow. It included tingling in two fingers. The pain was caused by the nerve which was bruised by the herniated disc. The patient showed a significant limitation in range of motion.
A combined treatment program was applied. It was composed of chiropractic adjustments, herbal treatment, ultrasound as well as neuromuscular release (special massage technique). The program was prescribed for a total of three weeks (3 times a week) and two more times afterwards. Upon completion of the 9 sessions the patient started an intersegmental traction program for one month (5 sessions once a week).
The outcome of the treatment had been outstanding. Upon completion of the three-week program the patient had regained his full range of motion. The pain had been completely removed. He returned to his full duties as a carpenter (physical work). The results had been sustained ever since. The patient was very happy with the outcome. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Healing of Herniated and Bulging Discs
Patient from Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2008
“First, I’d like to congratulate Wei Musculoskeletal Institute for having some great products! I can tell you first hand that they work. My 2006 MRI showed a herniated disc and a bulging disc and I used Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal solutions. My 2007 MRI shows no herniated or bulging disc and the doctor stated “remarkably no swelling in the area”. *One day, I got sick and threw-up and damaged something in my throat. When I’d eat food, I had to wash it down with a drink. Then I went in for neck surgery and my doctor said he would stretch that part of my throat to make it easier to swallow, but after the surgery I had hard time breathing when lying down. I remembered that the musculoskeletal herbal solution can remove swelling so I used it on and off for a week then I could breathe and swallow again which is why I’m a believer of your products.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease
Earl Moore, DC, Crestview, FL 32536 United States
Dr. Moore had a female patient in her late 60s with chronic lower back problems due to her degenerative disc disease. Dr. Moore recommended local herbal solutions to strengthen and repair the discs, along with oral herbal solutions for kidney and microcirculation support. While the patient initially planned on a treatment of 6 sessions, the improvement she experienced from just three sessions was so remarkable that she was able to give the other 3 treatment sessions to a family member. She told Dr. Moores: “I did so well I did not even need the last 3!” *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Spinal Stenosis and Bone Spurs
Spinal Stenosis
Successful Treatment of Stenosis and Trochanteric Bursitis
Jonathan Glass, West Concord, MA. August 29, 2019
The patient presented with stenosis of the L4 and L5 vertebra caused by ruptured discs, as well as trochanteric bursitis. The Wei Musculoskeletal Institute protocol for stenosis, consisting of 8 natural herbal patches for joint and 4 bottles of natural herbal kidney yin formula, was started in May 2019 along with the patient’s physical therapy exercises. Within the first three weeks, the patient noticed significant improvement. She was not limping as often and was getting significant pain relief. She also felt, though the patches were not placed directly on the hip, the patches were also helping with her trochanteric bursitis.
Two weeks later, another follow-up was conducted with the patient. The patient expressed that she was feeling even better and was walking normally. The patient started a second month of the protocol which consisted of 6 herbal patches for joint and 4 bottles of herbal kidney yin formula.
Upon a third follow-up, the patient felt she had a slight relapse. She had aggravated the hip and back from biking and noticed some slight pain. After applying another patch, she no longer had the pain and stated that she had recovered faster than before starting the protocol. She was feeling remarkably better.
A final follow-up on the second month of the protocol was conducted in late July 2019. The patient said she was doing significantly better and had felt the best she had in the last two years suffering from stenosis and trochanteric bursitis. She has been able to do many more activities with less pain.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Natural Relief for Spinal Stenosis
Jack Kucheran DC, Calgary, AB, Canada, February 2018
A 68-year-old male presents with severe pain in his lower back, radiating down to his ankles. The interpretations from the MRI resulted in a diagnosis with spinal stenosis of the L-5, S-1 junction. Six months prior to symptoms, he was in a motor vehicle accident. The patient went to see Dr. Kucheran in October 2017, where he was advised to begin Wei Musculoskeletal Institute natural herbal treatment.
The patient noticed minimal improvement after the first month, but was aware that his condition would take some time. He completed his second month and saw some improvement. With the manual manipulations Dr. Kucheran preformed and two months of the natural herbal treatment, the patient noticed 20% of a pain decrease. Shortly after, he did notice a plateau, where we got more of his health history and found prior digestive issues. Dr. Kucheran advised that he added Wei Musculoskeletal Institute natural herbal treatment for GI conditions. The patient was on both GI treatment and musculoskeletal treatment for the third month.
After completing the third month of treatment, the patient reported having a 60% pain decrease. The patient is continuing his fourth month and very excited about the results he has seen so far.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of Severe Chronic Back Pain
Robert Smatt, LAC, Diplomat of Acupuncture Orthopedics, M. Sc. Homeopathy, San Diego, CA 92117 United States
A male patient, 51 years old, suffered from severe and chronic back pain (almost ten out of ten) for at least eight years. He had been diagnosed with spinal stenosis (x-rays) and invertible disc protrusion. The patient had been identified as a candidate for surgery but did not consider this as an option. Typical treatment options such as acupuncture or spinal decompression had been tried. Nothing turned out to be successful. Given the constant need for pain killers the patient had a strong desire for a better quality of life without drugs.
Dr. Smatt applied a variety of test work (hormone, body chemistry). Based on the test result, he applied a combined treatment program composed of acupuncture (with micro current), nutritional and herbal treatment, as well as dietary changes. The program consisted of two parts with one session per week. The first one lasted for two months, the second one for a couple of months. Main goals were to remove all grains from the diet and have the patient stay on it.
The results turned out great. The pain was completely removed. The patient was able to have much more energy and stayed on the dietary schedule. The good conditions had been sustained ever since. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Healing of Stenosis
Arnold Weinberg, DC, Narberth, PA 19072 United States
A female patient in her late 60ies was diagnosed with stenosis in her low back. The patient suffered from severe pain (10 out of 10). It radiated down to the legs and feet.
Dr. Weinberg applied a combined treatment program of two months (three sessions per week). It was composed of low force adjustments, a decompression therapy in various modalities and herbal treatments.
The patient had great results. The pain was completely removed. She was able to do overseas travel to Israel immediately after the 2 months protocol had been completed. No maintenance had been necessary ever since (for a couple of years now).*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Bone Spurs
Successful Healing of Cervical spur and Resulted Migraine
Ela Corcoran, Homeopathic Practitioner, Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 United States, Dec 2016
Before I started using Wei Musculoskeleta lnstitute herbal treatment, some days I could not even drive or remember things because of continuous pain caused by the spurs in my neck (C1, C2, C3 discs). I was having neck pain; on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worse, my neck pain was an eight. I was having severe headaches about 3 to 4 times a week. A few times I ended up in the ER because of the severe headaches, vomiting and being very dizzy. My activities of daily living were being affected tremendously.
After only two month of following the recommended protocol received from Ela Corcoran, using the herbal formulas, I have had only two mild headaches since and I don’t have dizziness anymore. The neck pain is pretty much gone. I am pretty much independent again. * I am now on the third month of the protocol to complete the healing.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of Bone Spurs
Valerie Ozsu, MSN, CNM, NP, Vacaville, CA 95688 United States
Patient’s Narrative:
I had a woman who had a new water filter installed on her ranch. The calcium/magnesium ration was off (as we discovered in her evaluation) that led up to her developing bone spurs. We worked on diet, and used a PEMF machine, but she had great pain hopping off her horse and pain doing daily chores. I put her on the herbal treatment protocol for bone spurs, and she had 50% recovery. She changed her water filter and she continued to improve. * Patient was very satisfied with the results.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successfully Resolving Bone Spurs
Stephen Warren, DC, Owasso, OK 74055 United States
A female patient was diagnosed with substantial bone spur at her toes. She was treated with herbal solutions, and the result was very positive: the patient’s bone spur became controllable again. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Successful Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Saltanat Rahimi, LAC/ND/Master Iridology, Thornhill, ON L3T2A7 Canada
A female patient, age 38, had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2010. She suffered from severe pain in all parts of the body including her hands. Her ESR amounted to 80 and her SHRP to 7 (very high values).
Dr. Rahimi started the patient on a two month treatment program. It was composed of herbal treatment solutions, fish oil as well as an anti-inflammatory products. In addition, a healthy diet had been introduced.
The treatment program reduced the pain by 70-80% within two weeks. * The herbal solution was applied for a total of 2 months. For preventative reasons the patient still uses fish oil. The patient has kept the diet until now.
The patient had almost no pain at the end of the treatment program (after 2 months). A patient diagnoses after three months yielded an ESR of 20 and an SHRP of 3 (substantial reduction as a result of the treatment). The results had been sustained ever since. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Ronald Mullen , AP, Stuart, FL 34994 United States
A 57 year old male presents with stiffness and soreness bilaterally in all joints of the upper and lower extremities. Symptoms are aggravated by walking, especially the ankle joints, which swell severely and produce extreme pain. He reports his condition is getting worse and that he had to leave his employment six months earlier and is now completely disabled. He has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by his previous MD.
After TCM examination, he was given acupuncture treatment and herbal solutions. At his next appointment, three days later, he reported that the swelling in his left ankle had disappeared within the first 24 hours, with other symptoms beginning to improve. Continuing this protocol, after one week, he reported all symptoms had improved approximately 70%. With continued treatment and herbs for three additional weeks, he reports improvement at 80%. He continues to improve at the time of this writing, and is planning to return to work soon. In his own words, he says the treatment has given me my life back. *
P.S. Eight months later, the patient did another blood test and found that the Rh factor became negative. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing Spondylitis Solution
Dr. Ted Czepiel, DC, West Springfield, MA, United States, January 2019
A male patient presented to Dr. Czepiel, DC with ankylosing spondylitis due to an autoimmune condition that was diagnosed when he saw a rheumatologist. The patient complained of extreme hip pain, fatigue, and trouble walking. In the past, the patient had tried steroid injection and anti-inflammatories, however, he knew it was not correcting the root cause. The patient’s goal was to get rid of the hip pain and avoid starting a biologic agent medication recommended by his doctor.
Dr. Czepiel, DC talked with the patient about the Wei Musculoskeletal Institute (WMI)’s protocol used to treat ankylosing spondylitis which consists of the WMI herbal patches for joint, a kidney herbal formula, and rotation of WMI lymphatic herbal formula and liver herbal formula every two weeks. The WMI herbal patch for joint can help heal cartilage, spinal disc, meniscus, and labrum injuries, reverse degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, bone spurs, and stenosis, and resolve scarring, calcification, and cysts. The kidney herbal formula enhances microcirculation by improving microcapillary structure. The liver herbal formula improves liver health and repair liver damage. The lymphatic herbal formula improves lymphatic circulation and helps resolve autoimmune conditions.
After three weeks of treatment, the patient claimed that he was doing extremely well and that it was the best he had felt in 9 months. He began to really notice a difference after implementing the liver herbal formula in week 2 and saw significant improvements in mobility and pain.
After three months of the protocol, the patient claimed that he was 80% well. He was going to continue seeing Dr. Ted in order to continue healing. One thing the patient noted was that he felt like WMI herbal formulas corrected his lymphatic system in the first 4 weeks of the protocol. He noticed his energy levels had increased and had a stronger immune system. The patient also passed a kidney stone that he had had in his body for a while after 2 weeks of the protocol.*
He told WMI: “I would recommend this to anyone, and I will definitely keep you guys in mind.”
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Tendon Tear, Tendonitis and Tendinosis
Tendon Injury
Treatment of Bilateral Tendonitis
James Foy, DC, Cleveland, OH 44103, December 2018
A 90-year-old female patient came presented with chronic severe pain in both knees. During an initial evaluation by Dr. James Foy, the patient described the pain as an 8 out of 10. Dr. Foy found that she was experiencing bilateral tendonitis. She started treatment on one knee with 6 large herbal patches and 3 bottles of an internal herbal formula in conjunction with low light laser therapy at 635 nm. The patient followed the recommendation of Dr. Foy to leave the patch on for 48 hours before removing the patch and waiting 24 hours before applying a new patch. During the break between patches, she would come in for low light laser therapy. The result of the treatment lead to a pain reduction to a 2 out of 10, and she is able to walk a significantly longer distance than before.* She has a much more cheerful attitude and is excited to started treatment on her other knee.
* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary.
Complete Healing of a Torn Bicep
Diane Jones, Northborough, MA 01532, October 2016
A 72 y.o. male patient came to Diane for a torn bicep. He played golf all the time, the injury happened while he was playing golf. The tear wasn’t a complete tear, which was a little over 2 inches long and 1/4 inch wide, which one could see just by looking at his arm. His MD recommended immobilization therapy.
His wife referred him to Diane. Diane immediately treated him according to Wei Musculoskeletal Institute protocol and prescribed 6 consecutive sessions of treatment. After he finished the 6th session, the tear was gone! He could no longer see it, he couldn’t even find it with palpitation either!* He asked Diane if he can play golf again. Diane gave him a guideline of how to ease back into golf: if he can hit one bucket of golf balls and feel no pain afterward, he should be able to get back to playing regularly. The patient was completely cured and now plays golf all the time!*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Healing of Tear in Shoulder
Arnold Weinberg, DC, Narberth, PA 19072 United States
Two year ago, a male weight lifter in his 60ies tore his shoulder. He was diagnosed with a bad tear. The pain level was severe (10 out of 10).
Dr. Weinberg applied a one month treatment protocol composed of adjustments, ultrasound, electronic acupuncture (several modalities), hydro massage, exercise and herbal treatment solutions.
After completing the treatment protocol the weight lifter had no pain left. He started exercising again. Maintenance had not been necessary ever since. *
* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary.
Successful Healing Process of 7mm Tear in Tendon
Shawn Pallotti, DC, King George, VA 22485 United States
A 45 year old migrant worker had been exposed to very hard physical labor over many years. He came with a 7mm tear in his tendon muscle junction which had been diagnosed based on an MRI. The orthopedic had suggested surgery. The patient, however, did not have time due to the work load on the farm. His entire right side had been dysfunctional.
Dr. Pallotti applied two sessions of the herbal treatment, one month each session (to make it affordable). He also worked on his soft tissue based on two pro adjusters (two mechanical guns which introduce mechanical force to hit any abnormality in the tissues as well as any swelling and fixation). In addition, adjustments at C7 and the T1 rib have been applied.
The patient had seen great improvement as the pain level continuously decreased. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Elimination of Plantar Fasciitis Pain
Kathy Thomas, LAC. Stuart, Florida 34997, United States. January 2019
Upon intake, a 56-year-old female patient presented with plantar fasciitis, an overactive bladder, tooth and gum problems, menopausal symptoms, a sweet tooth, anxiety, and fatigue. The patient often had floaters in her eyes. Her biggest complaint was very painful plantar fasciitis in her left foot. The patient was an avid tennis player and hoped to get back to her sport.
Kathy Thomas decided that the plantar fasciitis protocol from Wei Musculoskeletal Institute (WMI) would be her best road to a full recovery. The patient agreed to see Dr. Thomas twice a week for acupuncture and to immediately begin the WMI herbal treatment for her liver and kidney yin deficiency.
The patient was advised to alternate between medium size WMI herbal patches for tendon and medium size WMI herbal patches for joint every two days with a day off in between. The WMI herbal patches for tendon were used to heal the tissue injury, and the WMI herbal patches for joint were used to heal the degenerative cartilage injury.
She was also put on a regimen of WMI oral herbal formulas including the liver yin herbal formula, kidney herbal formula, pituitary gland herbal formula, and the lung qi herbal formula. The liver yin herbal formula helps improve liver health and repair liver damage. The kidney herbal formula helps enhance microcirculation by improving microcapillary structure. The pituitary gland herbal formula enhances the blood supply to the pituitary gland and helps improve its structure and function. The lung qi herbal formula helps improve adrenal gland and kidney function and helps with the kidney’s filtration and balancing of minerals. These herbs, in addition to acupuncture, reduced her pain from a 10 to a 4 in two weeks.
The patient continued to take Internal Formula B in the morning through the rest of the month.
Upon a follow-up call, Dr. Thomas learned the pain had completely subsided and the patient is again playing tennis. She was very pleased with her results.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of Acute Shoulder Pain/Tendonitis/Rotator Cuff Tear
Marco Cazares, DC. Indio, CA 92201 United States. August 2012
A patient was suffering from acute shoulder pain due to tendonitis and a rotator cuff tear. The conditions prevented the patient from lifting the arm past the shoulders and range of motion in the arm decreased by 70%. The doctor decided to treat the patient with WMI herbal patches for tendon. The results were remarkable. The patient applied the patch on Friday, by Monday he came to the office pain-free and had full range of motion resumed in the arm and shoulder.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Healing of Tendon Apathy
Ralph Santora, DC, Bethlehem, CT 06751 United States
A male patient in his 50ies suffered from tendon apathy when arriving in 2010. His pain level had been fluctuating between 5-10 (scale between 0 and 10). The patient was not able to exercise anymore. Particularly running seemed to be impossible. The pain had existed for several years and permanently showed up in the morning when waking up. Any treatment tried so far had failed.
Dr. Santora prescribed a treatment program of a total of three weeks with herbal treatment solutions. The improvement was remarkable. The pain had been completely eliminated after three weeks. The result had sustained ever since for more than one year. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of Severe Bilateral Patella Tendonitis
Dionne McClain, DC, Los Angeles, CA 90048 United States, 2001
A male patient, 49 years old, came for treatment in March 2011. He had been diagnosed with bilateral patella tendonitis characterized by severe pain (8 out of 10) and tenderness. The medical doctor had tried anti-inflammatory drugs but did not have any success. The patient played competitive basketball in a league.
Dr. McClain applied a combined treatment program composed of chiropractic treatment, herbal treatments, additional supplements (Omega 3 and Glucosamine) as well as myofascial release. Five sessions with about 30 minutes per treatment were implemented for a total of four weeks.
The pain was completely eliminated. The level of tenderness had been reduced from 8 to 2 and continued to decrease at the time the case was recorded. * The maintenance care of the patient was chiropractic care only twice a month.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Tendinosis/Chronic Tendonitis
Successful Elimination of Chronic Elbow Tendonitis
Tom Anderson, DC, Burnsville, MN, 55337. July 2019
A 51 y.o. patient was diagnosed with tendonitis of the elbow 9 years ago. The patient could not externally rotate without pain down the arm. Most movements would cause him pain which limited his mobility and interfered with his daily life. Originally the patient was treating the tendonitis with ice, heat, the Graston Technique and active release therapy, which was not achieving the results he desired.
The patient came to the Wei Musculoskeletal Institute looking for another option that could help eliminate the pain and increase mobility. Dr. Tom Anderson, DC applied a one-month treatment protocol that consisted of chiropractic adjustments along with the WMI herbal patch for joints. He experienced a 90% pain reduction along with being able to participate in the things he enjoyed doing before. The patient overall achieved great improvement*!
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of 25 Soccer Players Against Acute Tendon Apathy
Marco Cazares, DC, Indio, CA 92201 United States
The following study presents a clinical review of 25 patients (soccer players) with lower extremity tendinopathy. Of this sample, 14 patients were seen for acute medial collateral tendonitis. 6 patients came for acute deltoid ligament strains (Great 1 to Great 2). The remaining 5 patients suffered from knee patella tendonitis associated with the Osgood Shatter syndrome. A review of all patients yielded the following common symptoms:
1. tenderness,
2. joint effusion and edema,
3. Decreased joint motion by at least 40%,
4. Pain with active motion and weight bearing.
Based on the radiologic findings 95% of the injuries (with the exception of three cases) proved to be normal. Positive cases revealed avulsion fractures with non displacement.
All 25 cases have been submitted to a trial therapy using ice packs and taping orthotic support. Every patient of the sample was prescribed with the herbal treatment. No other physical therapy was performed.
All 25 patients obtained very good to excellent responses (after the first week of trial). For more than 86% of the patients, two sessions of the herbal treatment were sufficient for an almost total resolution of the symptoms). * 24% of the sample required four sessions of the herbal treatment to obtain the same response. * It is noted that the use of herbal treatment of acute tendinopathy is a promising treatment protocol for all physicians who encounter this condition. A larger group trial should be performed.
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Resolution of Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Jack Kucheran, DC. Calgary, AB, Canada. February 2011
A male patient, age 66, came for treatment in August 2010. She suffered from shoulder arthritis in her right arm. Further diagnoses identified the rotator cuff syndrome in general and the calcific tendinosis of the rotator cuff in particular (could not lift arm above shoulder level). The patient incurred a severe pain level (8 out of 10) as well as a restricted range of motion. His pain would not allow him to receive continued sleep at night. He could not use his right arm at work.
Dr. Kucheran applied a combined treatment program composed of chiropractic adjustments on the cervical spine as well as transverse frictional massages, active relief on the right shoulder and electro laser acupuncture. At the end of the program WMI herbal patch for tendon was prescribed and applied for one week. The complete treatment lasted for a total of six months (2-3 sessions for the first three months, once a week for the last three months).
The results have been very positive. The pain level was reduced by 70% at first. The range of motion improved greatly. The application of the herbal patch for tendon at the end removed the remaining pain and provided the patient with a full range of motion. The patient has been very happy ever since.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Chronic Tendonitis
Completely Healing of Tendonitis in 1 Week
Christy L. Constantin, D.C., The Woodlands, Texas, January, 2005
This is the narrative of the practitioner:
“My experience with herbal musculoskeletal treatment solutions has been very positive each time I’ve used them, either with myself or my patients. My husband and I have been building our own home for the past year, so have been prone to multiple overuse and sprain/strain type injuries. I had used the herbal treatment solutions primarily as a last resort when I’ve been unable to resolve the particular injury myself. I’ve used them for a hamstring strain (refused to resolve after 3 months of treatment), wrist extension tendonitis (3 times!), AC joint sprain and rotator cuff tendonitis. In all cases, resolution was accomplished after the 2nd or 3rd session of the herbal treatment. * The injuries were often to the point that I was barely able to function (especially the wrist extension tendonitis and resultant wrist or finger pain) before using the herbal treatment. The pain was detectably diminished after even just the first session. * I’ve also used the herbal treatment successfully on several chronic, non-resolving rotator cuff tendonitis patients, and it has resolved their pain successfully each time. *”
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Ligament and Muscle Tear, Sprain and Strain
Ligament Injury
Healing of a 2nd Degree Ankle Sprain in 4 Days
James Guetzkow, MD FP, Los Gatos, California, February 2004
This is the narrative of the practitioner:
“I saw a patient who was a vigorous, healthy, young triathlon athlete, who was running as per his usual custom on December 12, 2001, when he suffered a lateral inversion sprain of the right lateral ankle. He was seen at the ambulatory care center of Kaiser Hospital on Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara, the following day, where an x-ray was taken and a second degree sprain documented. The x-rays were negative for fracture. He was given a walking boot brace and told to wear it for six weeks.
He was seen in my office on December 17, as he had learned of the herbal treatment, and hoped this would help an early cure. On examination of the right lateral ankle it was ecchymotic and swollen both above and below the right lateral malleolus. The herbal treatment was applied, and more was given for the patient to continue the treatment on alternate days.
He returned to the office on December 21, 2001, and reported that he had been able to resume his exercise and, in fact, earlier that day he had bicycled for 45 minutes without any pain. He noticed that the swelling had gone away and the pain was virtually cleared. * He was no longer using a boot brace. He reported there was some residual swelling in the supralateral malleolar area; however, this was not where herbal treatment had been applied. On examination the area of application no longer had any swelling, and there was no laxity of effusion of the ankle joint noticed. There was a slight residual ecchymosis covering most of the lateral foot. The bony prominences were nontender. He was walking without a limp. He stated that he had been active throughout the week in his usual way, with his usual work, and had not spent time with the foot elevated. My impression was that this was a severe sprain with soft-tissue injury, partial tear of the lateral collateral ligaments, and a joint effusion. I was extremely impressed by the rapidity of clearing and returning of function that occurred in just four days for the areas using the herbal treatment.” *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Muscle Strain
Pain Relief of Abductor Sprain/Strain
Chrisenia White ND, DC, L.Ac, LDN, Hinsdale, IL. October 16, 2018
A 56-year-old female presented to Dr. Chrisenia White after she fell and reinjured her abductor’s muscle. The initial injury happened a year and a half ago after a bike accident. She went through a year of physical therapy sessions, other treatments including injections in the hip, and acupuncture. She finally got to a place where she felt 80% better and was able to move without thinking about the remaining pain. In mid-September, she fell in her home and experienced pain in her abductor similar to that after her bike accident when she tried to stand back up. This is when she turned to Wei Musculoskeletal Institute and their alternative all natural herbal treatment options.
She started her first month of Wei Musculoskeletal Institute treatment on 9/19/18. Not even a week later the patient called in and was amazed at the results she was experiencing. After 1/3 of the treatment, she was pain-free. She stated she had not felt that “light and energetic” and noted she had been sleeping better. Work is no longer a problem; she can sit in the car for her hour-long commute without being in pain. She is slowly working back into exercise – stationary bike and a few minutes on the elliptical. She followed up with Dr. White in clinic on 10/1 and plans to continue treatment. After completing the full treatment, the patient is pain free. She is sleeping better, feels more and mentioned that she has more clarity. She continues to follow up with Dr. White.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Healing of a 6 Weeks Old Muscle Strain in 5 Days
Domenico Manconi, PT, Sydney, Australia, March 2004
This is the narrative of the practitioner:
“The patient I was treating had a 1st degree muscle strain in his thigh. I was treating his leg with soft tissue massage and I also made the patient do rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the area but for 6 weeks the thigh was not responding. I decided to use the herbal treatment on the thigh and continue the exercises in between. With just twice the herbal treatment the strain was completely healed in 5 days. I was amazed and he was able to continue playing sports with no pain.” *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Bone Fracture and Stress Fracture
Bone Fracture
Fracture Recovery Expedited through Natural Herbal Treatment and Diet
Reid Brecke, DC, Sparks, Nevada, March 2018
A female patient presented with a broken toe resulting from a slip on the ice December 20th, 2017. This finding was confirmed with x-ray the following morning. She started a regime with Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment consists of topical herbal formula and an internal formula. She also added in a vitamin product, Intenzyme Forte™ from Biotics Research Corporation, to help reduce swelling and inflammation. Along with these therapies she increased her calorie and total protein intake to address a nutritional need in her body for further speed in healing.
She continued on a 4 weeks treatment following the protocol. During this time the foot was placed in a boot, with use of a scooter, occasional pressure, and walking on the foot for 2 weeks. After the 2nd week she started to walk more, continuing to keep her foot in the boot as needed. By January 15th, 2018 the patient stated she was not walking with the boot anymore, and had started to wean off it the week prior.
The practitioner noted that most of the healing happened in the first 4 weeks, and that more recent x-rays are showing slower change during the remodeling phase of bone growth. The patient was happy with the speedy recovery and back to driving, walking and enjoying life. As an additional note she states that her bone spur has softened and is no longer painful for walking since starting the therapy for her fracture on the same foot.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Successful Treatment of a Rib Fracture
Carla Miller, DC, East Orange, NJ 07019 United States, 2010
In January 2010, a 53 year old female patient came in for treatment of a rib fracture caused by a car accident she had suffered earlier. The patient was in constant pain, 9 out of 10. Ms. Miller stabilized the patient’s injury with a dorsal vest and treated the patient with adjustments and herbal treatment solutions. After the first session, the patient noticed a 30% decrease in pain. By the time the patient finished the third session of the herbal treatments, her pain had disappeared and she was fully recovered. *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Bone Fracture
Successful Healing of Spiral Fracture of Fibula
Clemency Knox, Lac, Annapolis, MD 21401 United States, 2010
A female patient (physical education teacher), 53 years of age, came for treatment in 2010. She had been diagnosed with a spiral fracture of the fibula playing ice hockey. Her leg had been immobilized with a soft compression boot. It had been very tender to the touch. The patient was not supposed to walk on the injured foot. She suffered from a moderate pain level.
A combined treatment program composed of acupuncture and herbal remedies was applied. The results of the treatment have been remarkable. The patient was enabled to continue teaching her physical education classes with little pain (using her feet). She experienced a fast healing process. Upon completion of the treatment cycle she had no pain left. She was very satisfied with the treatment process as well as its results.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Bone Fracture/Stress Fracture
Successful Treatment of Multiple Stress and Complete Fractures (Shoulder Area)
Stephen Lippmann, MS, LAc, Dipl. Ac. Hartsdale, NY 10530 United States, 2005
A female patient, 60 years old, came for treatment in 2005. She had tripped on a hole in the sidewalk at night. As a result, she smashed her left shoulder in multiple places and multiple bones. She suffered from severe fractures from stressed to completely broken. Her level of pain was outrageous (10 out of 10). The medical doctor had prescribed painkillers.
She consulted with an orthopedic surgeon. He had expressed concern that the patient may not use her left shoulder ever again. As a consequence, he had immobilized her left arm completely (strapped it down so it cannot move).
Dr. Lippmann prescribed an herbal treatment program. The orthopedic surgeon had recommended the positioning of the herbal treatment.
After six weeks into the herbal treatment the patient went to see the orthopedic surgeon for a checkup. The surgeon was completely surprised about the fast healing process so far. He decided to have the left arm unstrapped. Then he placed it in a sling for another six weeks.
After three months of treatment the patient continue the herbal treatment protocol for maintenance (to deal with remaining chronicle pain issues). Her pain level had been dramatically reduced (now 2-3 out of 10 down from 10). The pain had also changed from permanent to rather sporadic. After some further months the patient had been fully recovered. *
* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary.
Cartilage Injury
Meniscus Injury
Successful Treatment of Medial Meniscus Tear
Can Ho, DC. Burleson, TX. September 17, 2019
This is a report from a patient of Dr. Can Ho, DC:
“Before I found Dr. Ho, DC, I had been seeing another doctor for 3 months to heal my torn meniscus in my right knee. He charged me thousands of dollars for a program that did nothing to heal my knee, in fact, I believe he injured my knee more by doing decompression on it. As fate would have it, I found Dr. Ho and decided to give him a visit. Prior to beginning treatment, he insisted I have an MRI, something the other doctor didn’t do. Dr. Ho helped me find an MRI testing clinic that was very inexpensive, I couldn’t believe how affordable it was. It confirmed my medial meniscus was torn in my right knee. Right away I knew that Dr. Ho was a caring, knowledgeable practitioner who truly wanted to see me healed and not go broke doing it.
Now that I had a confirmed diagnosis, he immediately got me on track using the right combination of Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal patch for cartilage and Kidney Yin Formula. I was miserable when I went in to see Dr. Ho. I had a lot of pain, swelling, and it was difficult to walk, stand or sit. After just my 3rd herbal patch for cartilage, I was able to stand and walk (without crutches) with very little pain for the first time in a month or more. He has also done cold laser therapy on my knee area. The difference between him and the previous doctor who just wanted to make a lot of money are like night and day. Dr. Ho has been so gracious in taking me in and trying to undo the damage and disservice this other doctor has done. Dr. Ho is attentive and really cares and I highly recommend him for any knee injury or other issues that can be healed as an alternative to surgery. I am very grateful to him, his staff, and Wei Musculoskeletal Institute.”*
* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary.
Successfully Healing Torn Meniscus in Left Knee (Took away pain and totally improved function)
Scott Rothman, DC, Wayne, PA 19087 United States, 2004
A male patient, age 46, was diagnosed with a torn meniscus in his left knee in 2004 (tear in cartilage). Various attempts of treatment (ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, acupuncture, flexibility and strength, exercise) had failed to deliver complete relief. Functional improvement amounted to about 50% only after a four week treatment.
The patient started to use herbal treatment solutions. Within minutes after beginning the first herbal treatment the pain level reduced by at least 50%. After two weeks of herbal treatment, the patient had regained 90% functionality (90% of the time the patient is 100% free of pain and 100% functional). A maintenance care had been applied ever since. The results had sustained ever since (for 7 years now). *
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
Meniscus Injury
Successful Treatment of Knee Injury
Jack Kucheran, DC, Calgary, AB T1Y6X3 Canada, 2011
Condition: Torn Medial Meniscus/left knee pain, medial knee pain, joint restriction and loss of range of motion (ROM), left leg muscle atrophy, unable to climb stairs up or down without pain, experienced pain every step and had a limp.
Products/Treatments Used: chiropractic, electro-laser, acupuncture, laser, herbal treatments and a liquid herbal intake formula
Treatment timeline: June 2011: herbal treatments were started in October 2011
Improvements: less left knee pain, increase ROM and strength, 95% better, patient is able to climb stairs up or down without pain, no limp, increased strength. *
Quality of Life Improvement: No more pain walking, can climb stairs up and down without pain. The patient went skiing downhill and there was no problem, went cross country skiing for 6 hours/24 KLMs and there was no problem. The patient started doing weights again, rebounding (trampoline) 20-25 minutes, there was no problem either. The patient was very satisfied.*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary. No gurantee of specific results.